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Results for search "Cancer: Bladder".

02 Jan

A Short, Two-Question Survey Can Tell You a Lot About Your Risk for 19 Chronic Diseases

In a new study, a simple exercise survey revealed patients who get at least 150 minutes of exercise per week have much lower odds of heart disease, cancer, diabetes and more.

Health News Results - 15

06 Dec
New Therapy Helps Patients With Tough-to-Treat Bladder Cancers

New Therapy Helps Patients With Tough-to-Treat Bladder Cancers

There's new hope for people battling advanced bladder cancer who do not respond to first-line therapy, researchers report.

An experimental new drug with the unwieldy name of cretostimogene grenadenorepvec spurred complete remission of the cancer in three-quarters of pati...

18 Sep
Post-Op Keytruda Boosts Bladder Cancer Outcomes

Post-Op Keytruda Boosts Bladder Cancer Outcomes

When given after organ-removal surgery, Keytruda brings patients battling advanced bladder cancers more time cancer-free, a new trial finds.

Folks with "high-risk" bladder cancers -- tumors that had already invaded nearby...

29 Apr
King Charles Returns to Duties After Cancer Treatment

King Charles Returns to Duties After Cancer Treatment

Britain's King Charles III is back to resuming his royal duties following treatment for cancer, Buckingham Palace announced Friday.

"His Majesty The King will shortly return to public-facing duties after a period of treatment and recuperation following his recent cancer...

08 Apr
Urine Test Could Cut Need for Painful Bladder Cancer Procedure

Urine Test Could Cut Need for Painful Bladder Cancer Procedure

A new urine test could spare bladder cancer survivors from a painful follow-up procedure needed to ensure their cancer hasn't come back, researchers report.

People who've gotten surgery for high-risk bladder cancer require a cystoscopy -- a procedure in which a flexible ...